School of Nursing
Ideal environment for learning with various education and research facilities
including advanced medicine facilities having state-of-the-art equipment
Based on our founding philosophy, the School of Nursing develops humans who recognize the proper role of nursing even in the changeable social situation and actively fulfil their responsibilities independently.
That is, we aim to establish a basis of nursing that prepares students to comply with medical ethics in any case and act based on the school spirit. Moreover, education at the School of Nursing intends to form the foundation of nurses who charge ahead in pursuit of nursing expertise and are capable of contributing to the advancement of nursing science.
■Seven Diploma Policies
- Cultivate enriched humanity and have the essential ability to understand
human beings as people living daily life.
- Accept diverse values and have the basic ability to think and act from international perspectives.
- See human beings as entities that grow and develop, understand them based
on nursing science in a systematic manner, and have the ability to act
for the maintenance, promotion and restoration of health as well as disease
prevention and recovery from illness.
- Acquire basic nursing skills and have the ability to practice nursing by
building solid human relationships and through scientific thinking.
- Have the ability to work in collaboration with personnel involved in health
promotion, healthcare, welfare, education, etc. in the community and become
an active and cooperative member of an interdisciplinary medical team.
- Acquire basic research capabilities for nursing science and have the ability
to communicate current problems.
- Develop a sense of ethics as a specialist, assess one's own capabilities,
and have the ability to continue to developing as a woman medical professional
throughout life.
■Style of Classes

■Fields of Study

-List of majors-
◇Contact for more information
Admission Office
Tokyo Women’s Medical University Graduate School of Nursing
8-1 Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8666
Tel: +81-3-3353-8112 ext. 31136
Fax: +81-3-3357-4866