
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 201220112010200920082007

  1. Saji R, Hirasawa K, Ito M, Kusuda S, Konishi Y, Taga G. Probability distributions of the electroencephalogram envelope of preterm infants. Clin Neurophysiol. 2014; S1388-2457
  2. Sasaki Y, Ikeda T, Nishimura K, Katsuragi S, Sengoku K, Kusuda S, Fujimura M.
  3. ociation of antenatal corticosteroids and the mode of delivery with the mortality and morbidity of infants weighing less than 1,500g at birth in Japan. Neonatology. 2014;106:81-6.
  4. Shah PS, Lee SK, Lui K, Sjors G, Mori R, Reichman B, Hakansson S, Feliciano LS, Modi N, Adams M, Darlow B, Fujimura M, Kusuda S, Haslam R, Mirea L; International Network for Evaluating Outcomes of Neonates (iNeo). The International Network for Evaluating Outcomes of very low birth weight, very preterm neonates (iNeo): a protocol for collaborative comparisons of international health services for quality improvement in neonatal care. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14:110.
  5. Totsu S, Yamasaki C, Terahara M, Uchiyama A, Kusuda S; Probiotics Study Group in Japan. Bifidobacterium and enteral feeding in preterm infants: cluster-randomized trial. Pediatr Int. 2014;56:714-9.
  6. Morisaki N, Belfort MB, McCormick MC, Mori R, Noma H, Kusuda S, Fujimura M; Neonatal Research Network of Japan. Brief parenteral nutrition accelerates weight gain, head growth even in healthy VLBWs. PLoS One. 2014;9:e88392.
  7. Yoshida K, Kawai M, Marumo C, Kanazawa H, Matsukura T, Kusuda S, Yorifuji T, Heike T. High prevalence of severe circulatory complications with diazoxide in premature infants. Neonatology. 2014;105:166-71.
  8. Miyazaki K, Furuhashi M, Ishikawa K, Tamakoshi K, Ikeda T, Kusuda S, Fujimura M; Neonatal Research Network Japan. The effects of antenatal corticosteroids therapy on very preterm infants after chorioamnionitis. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014;289:1185-90.
  1. 楠田 聡, 神田祥一郎, 服部元史. 目で見る胎児・新生児の病態 腎臓の発生と発達. Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2014;6:55-56.
  2. 楠田 聡.【助産業務ガイドライン改定】 新生児科医の立場から. 助産師 2014;68:22-24.
  3. 楠田 聡. 人材育成の現状と課題 新生児医療の現状からみた人材育成の課題. 母子保健情報 2014;68:8-12.
  4. 楠田 聡. GBS感染症 周産期感染症 周産期医学 2014;43: 509-512.
  5. 楠田 聡. わが国の周産期医療の現状と今後の課題. 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 2014;50:1147-1150.
  6. 楠田 聡. 新生児医療と内分泌疾患 新生児内分泌疾患ハンドブック 2014;2:14-19.
  7. 山﨑千佳, 楠田 聡. 新生児の呼吸器疾患に対するステロイド療法 新生児内分泌疾患ハンドブック2014; 2:189-194.
  8. 楠田 聡 未熟児貧血 新生児栄養学 2014:212-215.
  9. 楠田 聡. 低出生体重児におけるプロバイオティクスの有用性. 小児科 up-to-date 2014;9:26-29