2021年03月11日 本学解剖学(顕微解剖学・形態形成学分野)石津綾子教授が「Healthy Longevity Award」を受賞
本学、解剖学(顕微解剖学・形態形成学分野)の石津綾子教授が、2021年2月8-10日に日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)とニューヨーク科学アカデミー(NYAS)の主催で開催された医療分野国際科学技術共同研究開発推進事業 (Interstellar Initiative)のワークショップにおいて「Healthy Longevity Award」を受賞しました。
本事業では、AMEDとNYASが共同開催のもと、世界をリードする Early Career Investigatorsを集めて行われます。公募・採択された世界各国の異なった分野の若手研究者3人がチームを編成し、国際的に著名な研究者の指導を得ながら、老化研究分野における研究計画を立案・完成させるべく2回のワークショップ(9月と2月)を開催します。今回の賞は、肝臓と造血の老化プロセスにおける器官連関性を解明すべく、石津綾子教授のチームが提案した研究計画に対して授与されました。
Dr. Ayako Nakamura-Ishizu (Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Microanatomy and Developmental Biology) was awarded the “Healthy Longevity Award” during the Interstellar Initiative workshop hosted by New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
The Interstellar Initiative launched jointly by of the NYAS and AMED recognizes the world’s most promising Early Career Investigators and provides a platform to foster collaboration research projects. Three competitively selected researchers are matched into interdisciplinary and intercontinental teams and receive expert guidance from leading senior scientists to formulate a competitive research proposal during a round of two workshops. The 2020-2021 Interstellar Initiative addressed challenges in the area of Healthy Longevity. Ayako Nakamura-Ishizu (Tokyo Women's Medical University) worked together with Celia Martinez-Jimenez (Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, Munich) and Weiqiang Chen (New York University) to translate mutual scientific interests and specialties into a competitive research proposal focusing on inter-organ crosstalks during organism aging. The team’s proposal gained top evaluation and was awarded the Healthy Longevity Award.
本事業では、AMEDとNYASが共同開催のもと、世界をリードする Early Career Investigatorsを集めて行われます。公募・採択された世界各国の異なった分野の若手研究者3人がチームを編成し、国際的に著名な研究者の指導を得ながら、老化研究分野における研究計画を立案・完成させるべく2回のワークショップ(9月と2月)を開催します。今回の賞は、肝臓と造血の老化プロセスにおける器官連関性を解明すべく、石津綾子教授のチームが提案した研究計画に対して授与されました。
Dr. Ayako Nakamura-Ishizu (Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Microanatomy and Developmental Biology) was awarded the “Healthy Longevity Award” during the Interstellar Initiative workshop hosted by New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
The Interstellar Initiative launched jointly by of the NYAS and AMED recognizes the world’s most promising Early Career Investigators and provides a platform to foster collaboration research projects. Three competitively selected researchers are matched into interdisciplinary and intercontinental teams and receive expert guidance from leading senior scientists to formulate a competitive research proposal during a round of two workshops. The 2020-2021 Interstellar Initiative addressed challenges in the area of Healthy Longevity. Ayako Nakamura-Ishizu (Tokyo Women's Medical University) worked together with Celia Martinez-Jimenez (Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, Munich) and Weiqiang Chen (New York University) to translate mutual scientific interests and specialties into a competitive research proposal focusing on inter-organ crosstalks during organism aging. The team’s proposal gained top evaluation and was awarded the Healthy Longevity Award.