
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

School of Medicine

School of Medicine



Biochemistry is a molecular-based field of study that elucidates biological phenomena and pathological conditions. In medical school education, students first learn about the basic structure and function of biological substances, changes in substances and metabolism, and how these molecules and phenomena are related to physiological functions and pathological conditions of living organisms. In the course of these lectures and practical training, students are also trained to think scientifically and logically. In the graduate school, students will focus on biochemistry and work on problem solving in various fields such as neuroscience and cell biology.

Education Details

In the first grade, we conduct lectures on "Origin of the Human Body", "Origin of Cells", "Substances Comprising the Human Body", "Basic Functions of Cells", "Cells and Information Transmission" ,"Metabolism of Biomaterials", "Genes and Genes" , and practical training on "Substances Comprising the Human Body" and "Metabolism of Biomaterials.
In the second year, we conduct lectures on "Cardiovascular System" and "Respiratory System", and practical training on "Cardiovascular System" and "Renal and Urinary Tract System.
In the third grade, we conduct lectures on "Endocrine System," "Nutrition and Metabolism", "Digestive System", "Motor System", "Cerebral Nervous System" and "Mental System", and practical training on "Endocrine System" and "Motor System. In the fourth grade, we conduct lectures on "Aging, Senescense and the End of Life”.
In all of these courses, students acquire knowledge of molecular-based life phenomena and pathological conditions, and lectures and practical training are conducted to promote scientific and logical thinking.

Research Details

We are investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation and maturation of circuits in the nervous system. When circuits are formed, various proteins called neural guide molecule groups guide neural projections to different nerves and cells. Recently, it has become clear that neural guide molecules are involved in higher functions of nerves such as memory and emotion, as well as in various diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. We are researching one of such molecules, semaphorin, in relation to physiological functions and pathological conditions using various techniques including anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, and physiology.
As another theme, we are conducting biochemical analysis focusing on hematopoietic cells. Here, we are investigating the infection mechanism of Plasmodium falciparum malaria to erythrocytes, molecular mechanisms related to the maintenance of asymmetric distribution of the lipid bilayer of erythrocytes, and molecular mechanisms involved in the formation and maturation process of secretory granules of mast cells. All of these are important research topics that will provide the foundation for elucidating various diseases and developing new therapeutic methods.


Fumio Nakamura
Ichiro Koshino
Shotaro Tanaka

Graduate School

In our graduate school, students will work on their interests among these themes. Together with the supervising staff members, students will go through the process of conceiving research, collecting information on related fields, designing experiments, performing actual experimental procedures, evaluating and reviewing obtained data, reporting at academic conferences, writing papers, and presenting their research results. After these processes, research guidance will be provided until the students find their own original research themes, which we think to be graduate school education.

Related links

Research Achievements Database


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111