
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Graduate School of Nursing

Graduate School of Nursing

Lifelong Development of the Nursing Profession


Lifespan Development of the Nursing Profession is an area of education, research, and practice that provides education, research, and practice for the nursing profession, including nursing students, to continue to grow and develop throughout their lives. The elements included in this area are related to the nursing profession (including nursing students), growth and development throughout the life span, and competencies and career (how to live as a person). The exploration of concepts and theories that support the continued growth and development of the nursing profession will not be limited to the field of nursing but will also utilize theories from other fields such as philosophy. In addition, research will be conducted from both theoretical and practical perspectives with the aim of exploring new research methods to improve career development and the abilities required of nurses, such as the ability to express oneself appropriately in response to situations, to make ethical judgments, and to prevent problems and solve problems.
For students to find their own research topics based on their own experiences, this program offers a number of special courses and exercises, including a study from a philosophical perspective through literature on reflection, decision-making, and listening, development of facilitation education incorporating consensus building theory, and examination of educational programs for the nursing profession. We look forward to the enrollment of those who are interested in developing skills to promote growth and development in the nursing profession.

Possible Research Themes

We are able to conduct a variety of research on the nursing profession, such as ethics, career, education for nurses, and consensus building/facilitation in medicine and nursing.


Kumiko Yoshitake
Chizuru Yoshida

Thesis Themes
Master's Thesis Theme

- The process of a nurse working in a general hospital ward to practice the best in suctioning a patient.
- The process in which a nurse with working experience decides to continue her career.


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111