Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal

News & Announcements

Abolition of Submission Fee

We have decided to abolish the 10,000 JPY/100 USD submission fee that was charged for paper submissions. This decision will take effect from the submissions in January 2025. We hope this will reduce the financial burden on researchers when submitting their papers and facilitate the dissemination of research results.

January 1, 2025

Satoshi Saito
Editor in Chief,
Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal

Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal Output Style for EndNote online

We have added an output style for Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal to EndNote online. This style can use by changing to the style name 'Journal of Tokyo Womens Medical University' on WORD. We hope this style will assist you formatting your references!

Note 1) For non-standard output styles, please adjust them appropriately on WORD after utilizing this styles.
Note 2) If you require our output style for EndNote desktop version, please contact us.

February 2024

Editorial Office,
Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal

Submission of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

We founded the Society of Tokyo Women's Medical University Conflict of Interest (COI) Guidelines and Detailed Regulations on October 1, 2023.
Corresponding authors must submit the completed COI disclosure forms for all authors at the time of submission. Please also mention the COI in your manuscript in keeping with the Instructions to Authors.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

October 2023

Editorial Office,
Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal

Acceptance Policy for Preprints

It was officially decided that the Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal (TWMUJ) accepts the submission of preprints following the conditions below:

  • The preprint posted on a publicly available preprint server.
  • The authors hold the copyright of the paper.
  • When authors submit a manuscript, they must provide information about the preprint, including the digital object identifier (DOI).
  • TWMUJ does not allow authors to post either revised manuscripts responding to peer review comments or the accepted final version to a preprint server.

Instructions to Authors
Ethical Policies

May 1, 2022

Satoshi Saito
Editor in Chief,
Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal

Directory of Open Access Journals

Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal (TWMUJ) has been listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) on March 3, 2021.

DOAJ is an internationally recognized database (directory service) of open access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA), a non-profit organization in the United Kingdom. It contains high-quality academic journals that have passed a rigorous screening process.

The inclusion of TWMUJ in DOAJ means that TWMUJ is now recognized internationally as an academic journal that meets international standards.

March 15, 2021

Satoshi Saito
Editor in Chief,
Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal
