
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

School of Medicine

School of Medicine



In perinatal medicine, the Department of Neonatology is responsible for the treatment of diseases of the newborn. There are a variety of diseases of newborns, including those born prematurely, those with birth adjustment disorder, those with birth defects, those affected by maternal complications, and those with congenital anomalies. Our center maintains a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) that can treat all diseases and is always available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to examine and treat critically ill newborns.
Our center has the longest history as a perinatal center in Japan, with 18 beds in the NICU and 21 beds in the GCU, its back ward, and is designated as a comprehensive perinatal maternal and child medical center by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. In addition to intensive care in the NICU, our department also provides medical care for relatively low-risk newborns and full-term, mature infants who are considered healthy.
The newborn period is the most unstable time in life. We treat children well and provide childcare support to their families before they are discharged from the hospital. Supporting the healthy growth and development of children is the primary goal of the Department of Neonatology.

Education Details

1. Goals of the training
- Understanding of basic neonatal pathology
- Mastery of techniques such as blood sampling and securing intravenous lines
- Understanding of examination methods and findings of general blood tests and ultrasound examinations
- Attend delivery
- Understand how to resuscitate a newborn and how to assist with resuscitation
- Presenting papers at journal clubs
- Presentation of cases at conferences, etc.
2. Understanding of neonatal diseases
1) Neonatal resuscitation
2) General care of the term neonate
3) Electrolyte and nutritional management of the sick newborn
4) Types of neonatal respiratory diseases and their treatment
5) Types of neonatal circulatory diseases and their treatment
6) Types of neonatal neurological disorders and their treatment
7) Management of neonatal infectious diseases
3. Procedures: blood collection (pedal blood collection, venous blood collection), securing venous lines (peripheral vein, percutaneous central vein), securing arterial lines, tracheal intubation, endotracheal administration of pulmonary surfactant, microbubble test, lumbar puncture, exchange transfusion (total, partial), various blood tests at bedside (blood gas, bilirubin, CRP, Ht, ammonium, BS, etc.) , various ultrasound examinations (cardiac, head, abdominal, etc.), sedation and presence in CT and MRI, mass screening tests, aABR, AEEG, etc.
4. Diagnosis: neonatal resuscitation (PCPR), neonatal transport, water and electrolyte management, ventilatory management, jaundice management, nutritional management, infection control, and neurological evaluation.
5. Other: childcare support, immunization, infant welfare measures, etc.

Research Details

- Neonatal Clinical Network Project
- “Research on perinatal medical response to large-scale disasters" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
- Regenerative Medicine related “Research on autologous cord blood transplantation for critically ill neonates in suspended animation”
- International clinical trial "Research on gene therapy for neuromuscular atrophy”
- Multicenter collaborative research "Research on cytokine changes in infants born to mothers with autoimmune diseases
- Research on neonatal resuscitation
- Research on AI-applied evaluation of body movement and image evaluation of newborns
- Research on the development of non-invasive monitoring systems
- Research on the pathophysiology of fecal amniotic fluid opacity and fecal aspiration syndrome
- Research on gamma globulin treatment for severe jaundice
- Research on complications in infants born to diabetic mothers
- Research on complications in infants born to renal transplant and dialysis mothers
- Research on imaging analysis of brain damage in preterm infants
- Research on psychological effects on mothers and children during a new coronary infection epidemic


Satsuki Kakiuchi

Related links

Research Achievements Database


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111