
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

School of Medicine

School of Medicine

Endocrine Surgery


The Department of Endocrine Surgery was established in 1981 and is in charge of surgical endocrine disorders arising in the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands.

Education Details

We are nurturing treasures.
 Medical students, residents, and faculty members are the treasures that will support the future of Japan. We will pass on to them the values of "continuing to improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the benefit of patients throughout their lives" and the practice of medicine that "delivers peace of mind and shares the pain of suffering. Although surgery emphasizes skill, accurate knowledge is also essential. And something that is difficult to acquire, even though we know it is important, is the attitude of benevolence. We need to have the behavior to be considerate of the feelings of patients and their families as a matter of fact, but we share to keep in mind that it is not easy to do so.
We focus on training surgeons with a broad perspective.
 Under the new medical specialty system, surgical training is about to change. After obtaining a surgical specialty, it is expected that you will advance to a specialty called "subspecialty". The advancement of medical care is also the advancement and specialization of knowledge and skills, and the training of "subspecialists" is also the mission of universities. On the other hand, general hospitals are required to deal with a wide variety of symptoms and findings. It is not possible to provide the same level of knowledge and skills as a specialist in all of these areas by oneself, but it is possible to determine what to do for the patient. We hone such problem-solving skills.

Research Details

We contribute to the advancement of specialized fields with a focus on clinical Research
 We encounter a variety of questions in clinical practice. In order to solve questions that cannot be answered in textbooks or the literature, we formulate and promote backward or forward-looking research projects.
Experiencing from the planning of the research to all the process of data collection and its analysis as a team, students learn the attitude of critical examination and proper research methods necessary to conduct appropriate research.
Main Research Themes
- Patient outcome-driven clinical research in surgical endocrine diseases
- Search for novel biomarkers for diagnosis of follicular thyroid tumors
- Elucidation of the pathogenesis of parathyroid carcinoma


Kiyomi Horiuchi
Yoko Omi

Related links

Research Achievements Database


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111