
ドラッグデリバリーシステムにおける新たな最新の領域である同種間葉系幹細胞シート移植治療に関する論文がJournal of Controlled Release誌に掲載されました

共同研究をしている KIM Kyungsook先生(University of Utah)の論文です

“Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell sheet therapy: A new frontier in drug delivery systems”

KIM Kyungsook †*, BOU-GHANNAM Sophia, KAMEISHI Sumako, OKA Masatoshi, GRAINGER David W., OKANO Teruo*

Journal of Controlled Release, 330, 696-704(2021)



The evolution of drug discovery exploded in the early 20th century with the advent of critical scientific advancements in organic chemistry, chemical analysis, and purification. Early drug generations focused largely on symptom control and pain management, effective targets for small-molecule drugs. Recently, the attention in drug discovery has shifted to pursuit of radical cures. Cell therapy presents the ideal attributes of a promising new drug, targeting specific tissues based on chemotactic cues and modulating secretion of instructive regenerative molecules in response to dynamic signaling from disease environments. To actuate the therapeutic potential of cell therapy toward worldwide clinical use, cell delivery methods that can effectively localize and engraft mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with high disease-site fidelity and enable dynamic MSC bioactive function are paramount. In this review, we discuss the evolution of cell therapies with a focus on stem cell advantages, as well as the limitations to these therapies. This review aims to introduce cell sheet technology as a breakthrough cell therapy with demonstrated therapeutic success across indications for heart, liver, and kidney tissue regeneration. Opportunities and anticipated clinical impacts of cell sheet technology using MSCs are discussed.