2021 Achievements

Original Articles / Review Articles / Books / Newspaper / Awards

2021  Review Articles etc.  →Database in Tokyo Women’s Medical University
  1. KAIBUCHI Nobuyuki†, IWATA Takanori, OKAMOTO Toshihiro, KAWASE-KOGA Yoko, YAMATO Masayuki, “Cell therapy for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: update on treatment strategies”, European Cells and Materials, 41:31-39(2021/01) DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v041a03
  2. AKIYAMA Yoshikatsu†, “Design of Temperature-Responsive Cell Culture Surfaces for Cell Sheet Engineering”, Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 2021:5738457(2021/01) DOI: 10.34133/2021/5738457
  3. 中山正道†, “リビングラジカル重合-可逆的付加開裂連鎖移動重合”, Drug Delivery System, 36(1):69-71(2021/01) 
  4. 清水達也†, “細胞シート工学の発展と未来予想”, Drug Delivery System, 36(1):18-27(2021/01) 
  5. IMASHIRO Chikahiro†, SHIMIZU Tatsuya*, “Fundamental Technologies and Recent Advances of Cell-Sheet-Based Tissue Engineering”, International journal of molecular sciences, 22(1):425(2021/01) DOI: 10.3390/ijms22010425
  6. 貝淵信之, “間葉系幹細胞シートによる顎骨壊死の新規治療法”, Medical Science Digest, 47(2):35-37(2021/01) 
  7. Hallie THORP†, KIM Kyungsook*, KONDO Makoto, Travis MAAK, David W. GRAINGER, OKANO Teruo*, “Trends in Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering: 3D Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets as Candidates for Engineered Hyaline-Like Cartilage”, Cells, 10(3):643(2021/03) DOI: 10.3390/cells10030643
  8. 菊地鉄太郎, “再生医療のための自動化装置の開発動向”, 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, 23(3):118-120(2021/07) DOI: 10.5759/jscas.23.118
  9. Celia M. DUNN†, KAMEISHI Sumako, David W. GRAINGER*, OKANO Teruo*, “Strategies to address mesenchymal stem/stromal cell heterogeneity in immunomodulatory profiles to improve cell-based therapies.”, Acta biomaterialia, 133:114-125(2021/10) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.03.069
  10. 貝淵信之, “間葉系幹細胞シートによる顎骨壊死の新規治療法”, BIO Clinica, 36(12):80-83(2021/10) 
  11. 貝淵信之, 岩田隆紀, 古賀陽子, 岡本俊宏, “間葉系幹細胞シートを用いた骨吸収抑制薬関連顎骨壊死の新規治療法”, バイオマテリアル-生体材料-, 39(4):240-245(2021/10) 
  12. MURAKAMI Daisuke†*, HARADA Hideaki, YAMATO Masayuki, AMANO Yuji, “Cytomegalovirus‐associated esophagitis on early esophageal cancer in immunocompetent host: a case report”, Gut Pathogens, 13(1):24(2021/04) DOI: 10.1186/s13099-021-00418-4
  13. 矢野一男, 大和雅之, “医療機器の製造販売に向けた日米欧の医療機器規制と治験を含めた臨床評価”, バイオマテリアル-生体材料-, 39(1):48-53(2021/01) 
  14. TOBE Yusuke†, SAKAGUCHI Katsuhisa*, HOMMA Jun, SANO Kazunori, KOBAYASHI Eiji, SEKINE Hidekazu, IWASAKI Kiyotaka, SHIMIZU Tatsuya, UMEZU Mitsuo, “Reconstruction of a Vascular Bed with Perfusable Blood Vessels Using a Decellularized Porcine Small Intestine for Clinical Application”, International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings, 82:284-292(2021/03) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-66169-4_35
  15. MURAKAMI Daisuke†*, YAMATO Masayuki, AMANO Yuji, TADA Tomohiro, “Challenging detection of hard-to-find gastric cancers with artificial intelligence-assisted endoscopy”, Gut, 70(6):1196-1198(2021/06) DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-322453
  16. SEKINE Hidekazu†*, OKANO Teruo, “A Short Commentary Based on our Article Entitled “Capillary Networks for Bio-Artificial Three-Dimensional Tissues Fabricated Using Cell Sheet Based Tissue Engineering””, Journal of Stem Cells Research Development & Therapy, 7(2):1-4(2021/07) DOI: 10.24966/SRDT-2060/100070
  17. 高橋宏信, 山中久美子, 清水達也, “藻類と動物細胞を用いた持続可能な培養肉生産システム開発への取り組み”, バイオマテリアル-生体材料-, 39(3):170-175(2021/07) 
  18. 豊島拓樹†, 清水達也, “細胞培養が切り開く食の未来(細胞培養の食への応用)”, 高砂香料時報, 188:27-30(2021/11) 
  19. MURAKAMI Daisuke†*, YAMATO Masayuk, ARAI Makoto, NISHINO Takayoshi, “Artificial intelligence in colonoscopy.”, The lancet Gastroenterology & hepatology, 6(12):984-985(2021/12) DOI: 10.1016/S2468-1253(21)00379-4




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